The 9th Day of Christmas

Where is God leading you today?

1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the territory of Judea during the rule of King Herod, magi came from the east to Jerusalem. 2 They asked, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We’ve seen his star in the east, and we’ve come to honor him.
— Matthew 2:1-2 [CEB]

We don’t know exactly where the Wise Men came from, scripture just says ‘from the East.’ Some scholars guess that they travelled to Jerusalem from Persia, perhaps near what is now Baghdad, Iraq, around 550 miles from Jerusalem. That’s a journey that would’ve taken months, at the least! The Wise Men, Magi, were scholars, astronomers, scientists themselves, and were moved to follow a strange star in the sky to find the new king. We also don’t know how old Jesus was when they found him; it seems that he wasn’t quite a baby anymore, but also no more than two.

There is a lot that we do know from this story. The Magi were unafraid and they knew perseverance. They weren’t afraid to undertake a strange journey into a foreign kingdom. They weren’t afraid to stand in the halls of power. And they persevered towards their goal of greeting the Messiah.

They kept going! It’s day two of 2024 and it’s still Christmas … have you put away the gifts of the season already or are you willing to keep going in the name the God who is sending you somewhere?

In Christ,

Pastor Jarrod


The 10th Day of Christmas


Happy New Year, Community!