The Community UMC Grand Opening!
YOU are invited to the Grand Opening of Community United Methodist Church of Krum on April 13! We've been in a growing season for the last year, gathering our people together to launch a new church - and we're ready to throw a party for the whole community.

Christmas Eve Worship
Worship with us on Christmas Eve morning at 10:30am!
Our Christmas Eve service will be modern and casual, but full of the worship elements we all love on this special day as we welcome the Christ Child into the world and our hearts.
We'll sing the Christmas Carols. We'll hear the Christmas Story. We'll share in Silent Night by candle light.
Be a part of our church family as we celebrate the reason for this season, together.
Community United Methodist Church of Krum ... in the community and for the community. There's a place for all and room for you.

Advent Wednesday Nights
Advent Wednesday Nights
6-7pm, December 4, 11, 18.
Pastors Bible Study for the adults.
Community Kids activities with story telling, mission, and craft time.
Each Wednesday night we'll unpack the scriptures and topics from the prior Sunday! Join us for worship and then join us for time with the community. There's a place for you!

Advent Wednesday Nights
Advent Wednesday Nights
6-7pm, December 4, 11, 18.
Pastors Bible Study for the adults.
Community Kids activities with story telling, mission, and craft time.
Each Wednesday night we'll unpack the scriptures and topics from the prior Sunday! Join us for worship and then join us for time with the community. There's a place for you!

Advent Wednesday Nights
Advent Wednesday Nights
6-7pm, December 4, 11, 18.
Pastors Bible Study for the adults.
Community Kids activities with story telling, mission, and craft time.
Each Wednesday night we'll unpack the scriptures and topics from the prior Sunday! Join us for worship and then join us for time with the community. There's a place for you!

First Sunday of Advent + Friendsgiving Potluck
Worship with us for the First Sunday of Advent and stay after for our First Annual Friendsgiving Potluck!
*Bring a dish to share as you're able to do so! Message this page if you have any questions. There's a place for you.*
Our worship series this December is “Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons”.
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins … Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; even as the world spins madly on.
It is a season of endings and beginnings ... but affirmations from the Christmas story still hold true today. What will the stories of Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and Wise Men remind us of this December and beyond?

Cliché Christianity: A Worship Series
Have you ever said something that you wish you hadn't said when someone shared something serious with you?
We.all.have. When people share their pain with us, we often don't know what to say or do.
Followers of Jesus tend to turn to Christian Cliches in these moments, and in place of having something better to offer, we share phrases and ideas that can cause more harm than help. In the Old Testament, the Prophet Job gets stuck with a certain group of friends, who when they have nothing to say that’s helpful, usually say too much as Job languishes in the hardest of circumstances.
Knowing that we can’t go back, that once something is said it can’t be un-said, what should Christians say and do in order to avoid Cliche Christianity?
Using the Book of Job as a conversation partner in worship during the month of November, we’ll explore the meanings behind some of the things Christians say:
“Everything happens for a reason.”
“God helps those who help themselves.”
“God needed another angel.”
“Love the sinner, hate the sin.”
And, maybe, we’ll find better things to offer our friends, family, and community members, when they really need us to be the people of Jesus.
Join the conversation with us every Sunday at 10:30am!

Cliché Christianity: A Worship Series
Have you ever said something that you wish you hadn't said when someone shared something serious with you?
We.all.have. When people share their pain with us, we often don't know what to say or do.
Followers of Jesus tend to turn to Christian Cliches in these moments, and in place of having something better to offer, we share phrases and ideas that can cause more harm than help. In the Old Testament, the Prophet Job gets stuck with a certain group of friends, who when they have nothing to say that’s helpful, usually say too much as Job languishes in the hardest of circumstances.
Knowing that we can’t go back, that once something is said it can’t be un-said, what should Christians say and do in order to avoid Cliche Christianity?
Using the Book of Job as a conversation partner in worship during the month of November, we’ll explore the meanings behind some of the things Christians say:
“Everything happens for a reason.”
“God helps those who help themselves.”
“God needed another angel.”
“Love the sinner, hate the sin.”
And, maybe, we’ll find better things to offer our friends, family, and community members, when they really need us to be the people of Jesus.
Join the conversation with us every Sunday at 10:30am!

Community Worship: Childish Ways (Communion Sunday)
At one point in Jesus’ ministry, he was asked to resolve a conflict among his disciples who asked him, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
In answer, he called a child over to him and said, “I assure you that if you don’t turn your lives around and become like this little child, you will definitely not enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who humble themselves like this little child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
In culture, in the time of Jesus and now, we don’t think of children as leaders. They are to be taught, not to teach. To listen, not to speak. To respect, not be respected.
Yet, Jesus asks us to look to children to know more about the Kingdom of Heaven. Maybe there’s more to childish ways than we’ve thought. In this worship series we’ll look for inspiration in the stories of several children of the Bible who offer of themselves to care for others, serve the helpless, and show us how to live into God’s Kingdom now.
9/8 - The Fierceness of Miriam
9/15 - The Curiosity of Samuel
9/22 - The Bravery of David
9/29 - The Belief of Mary
10/6 - The Wisdom of Jesus
See you Sunday!

Community Worship: Childish Ways
At one point in Jesus’ ministry, he was asked to resolve a conflict among his disciples who asked him, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
In answer, he called a child over to him and said, “I assure you that if you don’t turn your lives around and become like this little child, you will definitely not enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who humble themselves like this little child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
In culture, in the time of Jesus and now, we don’t think of children as leaders. They are to be taught, not to teach. To listen, not to speak. To respect, not be respected.
Yet, Jesus asks us to look to children to know more about the Kingdom of Heaven. Maybe there’s more to childish ways than we’ve thought. In this worship series we’ll look for inspiration in the stories of several children of the Bible who offer of themselves to care for others, serve the helpless, and show us how to live into God’s Kingdom now.
9/8 - The Fierceness of Miriam
9/15 - The Curiosity of Samuel
9/22 - The Bravery of David
9/29 - The Belief of Mary
10/6 - The Wisdom of Jesus
See you Sunday!

Community Worship: Childish Ways
At one point in Jesus’ ministry, he was asked to resolve a conflict among his disciples who asked him, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”
In answer, he called a child over to him and said, “I assure you that if you don’t turn your lives around and become like this little child, you will definitely not enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who humble themselves like this little child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
In culture, in the time of Jesus and now, we don’t think of children as leaders. They are to be taught, not to teach. To listen, not to speak. To respect, not be respected.
Yet, Jesus asks us to look to children to know more about the Kingdom of Heaven. Maybe there’s more to childish ways than we’ve thought. In this worship series we’ll look for inspiration in the stories of several children of the Bible who offer of themselves to care for others, serve the helpless, and show us how to live into God’s Kingdom now.
9/8 - The Fierceness of Miriam
9/15 - The Curiosity of Samuel
9/22 - The Bravery of David
9/29 - The Belief of Mary
10/6 - The Wisdom of Jesus
See you Sunday!

Free Community UMC Tailgate
Free Community UMC Tailgate on 9/20!
Join us on the north end of the Community UMC lot for free hotdogs and yard games before the game ... then it's a short walk right to the stadium to cheer on the KHS Bobcats!
Give us an RSVP so that we can prepare for you!

The Next Chapter: Weekly Worship Begins!
It's time for something new! Beginning on September 8th, Community UMC of Krum will begin its next chapter with weekly worship every Sunday morning at 10:30am.

A Morning of Prayer & Communion
As we get ready for what's next with Community UMC, we're going to take some time on September 1 to pray, worship, and share in communion together.
This will be a different kind of experience for us, covered in readings of scripture and opportunities to reach out to God in prayer as we seek God's purpose and plan for Community. We'll end with holy communion at the table of Jesus, where all are welcome.

Community UMC Tailgate
The first KHS Football Home Game of the season is August 30 at 7pm!
Join us on the north end of the Community UMC lot for free hotdogs and yard games before the game ... then it's a short walk right to the stadium to watch the big game!
Give us an RSVP so that we can prepare for you!

Back to School Sunday
Join us for Back to School Sunday on August 18 at 10:30am!
We invite all kids, teachers, and school employees to bring their backpacks and bags to worship for a blessing as we pray over the 2024-25 school year!

Community Worship & Communion
During our Growing Season at Community Krum, we're worshiping on the first and third Sundays of the month. Next up:
Community Worship + Communion
Sunday, August 4
Plus, we'll have a guest preacher: Rev. Joy Dister-Dominguez, a United Methodist Pastor and the new Director of Care & Healing for the Horizon Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church! We can wait for Rev. Joy to bring a word for all of us.
At our church, and any United Methodist Church, communion is open to anyone who comes through the door, so it's open to you!

Community Worship
During our Growing Season at Community UMC of Krum, we're worshiping on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month ... so join us on July 21 at 10:30 for a time of praise and worship!
There's a place for you.
*The vision of Community UMC of Krum is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the community and for the community, through guiding people into life-transforming relationships with God and one another.*

Community Communion Sunday
At our church, and any United Methodist Church, communion is open to anyone who comes through the door, so it's open to you!

Camp Firelight - Community Vacation Bible School Night #1
Join us for Camp Firelight - A Free Vacation Bible School from Community UMC of Krum!

Community Worship
Join us on June 16 for Community Worship at 10:30am!
Following worship, we'll have lunch and get the space ready for Vacation Bible School. We've got a place for you ... to pitch in!

Community Communion Sunday
During our Growing Season at Community Krum, we're worshiping on the first and third Sundays of the month. Next up:
Community Communion Worship
Sunday, May 5
At our church, and any United Methodist Church, communion is open to anyone who comes through the door, so it's open to you!
During the month of May, we're emphasizing our call to champion children and youth. How do we do that? For starters, we'll look to the Bible for a few stories of children who demonstrated faithfulness and generosity in ways that challenged the adults around them. On May 5, we'll read the story of of a nameless child, whose impact was so incredible, that their story was shared in all four gospels of the New Testament.
And secondly, we're going to start planning for Vacation Bible School - be on the look out for ways to help and register

Community Worship + Small Group Launch Sunday
Sunday April 21:
9:30am: Group Launch
10:30am: Worship + Senior Recognition
On Sunday morning, April 21 at 9:30 we're going to have our first small group launch event at Community UMC as part of our Growing Season!
We'll match people into groups (of 6-12) at the event that can meet on any date and in any place they desire (church, restaurant, home, etc.), committing to meet at least twice per month for an hour from April to August. These groups are intended to be open to new people and invitational in nature.
Small groups are an incredible way to grow community and get to know new neighbors! Click the link for more information on our small groups and to pre-register:
After the group launch, we'll have our 3rd Sunday of the Month Worship Service, where we'll recognize our graduating seniors!
We look forward to gathering with you on this very special occasion. There's a place for you

Community Worship & Holy Communion
See you on Sunday April 7, for Community Worship & Holy Communion as we kick off Growing Season as Community UMC of Krum!
Jesus invites to his table ... everyone ... and that includes YOU.
Sunday worship will be a time for learning and sharing, making new friends, and giving thanks to God for our many blessings.
There is a place for you and yours

Community Family Meeting
Community Family Meeting
April 3 @ 6pm
An Update on the Present and the Future
We'll see you the Wednesday night after Easter for a family meeting! We have a lot of momentum as a new church and our plan for Growing Season is coming together.
We'll discuss the next several months, update everyone on our finances, and dive into how we'll continue to build connections through a regular worship rhythm and launching small groups.
Everyone is welcome to see what God has done and will continue to do as we make disciples of Jesus Christ in the community and for the community.
*We'll have a movie setup for the kiddos.*

The First Community Easter Worship
Join us on Easter Sunday for the First Easter Worship of Community UMC of Krum!
March 31 | 10:30am | He is the reason.
Come as you are for our casual service where we'll celebrate the gift of the Resurrection.
The vision of Community UMC of Krum is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the community and for the community, through guiding people into life-transforming relationships with God and one another. You have a place with us!

Community Easter Egg Hunt
Community Easter Egg Hunt
10am | March 30
Join us for the fun! We'll have an Easter Egg Hunt, games, and lots of fun.
More details TBA!

Blessing of the Animals!
Want to bless the companions that bless us?
How about joining us for a Blessing of the Animals on March 9 at 10am in the front yard of Community UMC of Krum!
We'll introduce one another to our animal friends, have a little fun, and bless each one. Leashes/harnesses/carriers would be appreciated to keep our best-good-boys-and-girls at their best!
Let's bless these gifts from God!

Together We Grow: A Morning of Conversation and Worship
Community UMC of Krum is growing! Want to learn more about how to grow together with us?
On Sunday morning, February 25, we'll have our next worship experiment, but we'll begin the morning with a Q&A and Info Session on the future of Community UMC with Pastor Jarrod.
9:30am - Q&A with Pastor Jarrod
10:30am - Casual Worship
We'll see you then - we grow together.
*The vision of Community UMC of Krum is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the community and for the community, through guiding people into life-transforming relationships with God and one another.*

Community Ash Wednesday Worship
Ash Wednesday begins the Season of Lent, a period of time in the Spring when Christians turn to God in expectation of Easter Sunday. On Ash Wednesday, we recognize both bodies may be mortal, but that our souls are made to live forever with our Creator. We do that by confessing our sins and receiving the sign of the cross on our foreheads in ashes.
You are invited to worship with us on 2/14 at 6pm as we observe this holy night set apart for holy encounters with God.