The 11th Day of Christmas

Hello, 11th day of Christmas!

This is probably the first time in ministry that I’ve truly pondered the Season of Christmas beyond giving my friends a hard time for taking down their Christmas decorations before Epiphany on January 6. (I confess, our decorations were put away last weekend - practicality wins again!) This season, I’ve wondered with the Christmas stories, with the people that encounter Christ as an infant and child. I’ve wondered at what it means that the Son of God became human for us. I’ve wondered at the real gifts of the season.

In a wild turn for us, we had four different Christmas gatherings with family and friends who are family. Presents were exchanged, food was shared, videogames were loudly played, but mostly on those four occasions, we just hung around our house with many of our favorite people and talked for hours. We were present. Our first Christmas season in our new home, in our new town, was FULL of some of our favorite people, which made it beyond meaningful.

Which brings me to my favorite Pastoral Pun - it’s not about the presents, it’s about presence.

15 When the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go right now to Bethlehem and see what’s happened. Let’s confirm what the Lord has revealed to us.” 16 They went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they reported what they had been told about this child. 18 Everyone who heard it was amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19 Mary committed these things to memory and considered them carefully.
— Luke 2:15-18 [CEB]

After the angels brought the good news of great joy to the shepherds (and all people), they ran over to Bethlehm to see for themselves and confirm what they were told. They found themselves in the presence of God, who in the fullness of time, came into the world just as we do. The shepherds didn’t have gifts to offer, they couldn’t throw the Messiah a baby shower, but they could tell the Holy Family about what they’d heard. They got to share their joy and thankfulness and Mary held onto that memory.

Who have you been present with lately? Really, truly, in the moment with? THAT is a bigger gift than you can imagine.

In Christ,

Pastor Jarrod


The 12th Day of Christmas


The 10th Day of Christmas