The Second Day of Christmas

Did you know that the Twelve Days of Christmas isn’t just a song, it’s also a season in the church? It’s also called Christmastide and goes from Christmas Day to January 5, the day before Epiphany.

So, Merry 2nd Day of Christmas to you! Christians around the world observe this day as the Feast Day of St. Stephen, whom the Book of Acts tells us is the first martyr of the church. Stephen was a pastor in the first church, defended his faith before the powers that be, AND asked God not to hold his attackers responsible for his persecution.

Today, on this 2nd Day of Christmas, let us remember and pray for those who aren’t in a season of joy, comfort, peace, or love. Let us remember those who are being harmed for who they are, who they were created to be, who stand up for others in the most dire of circumstances, and are unafraid to speak truth to power.

In Christ,

Pastor jarrod


The Third day of Christmas


Merry Christmas, Community!